Gruesome Skull Discovery Contains The Earliest Evidence of Ear Surgery

An ancient skull uncovered at a 6,000-year-old megalithic monument in Spain still holds signs of what would have been a brutal ear surgery. Archaeologists suspect the patient probably had a double-sided acute middle ear infection, which can cause earaches and fevers.    Without treatment, fluid can gather behind the eardrum, possibly causing a visible lump … Read more

Spider webs may act as most sensitive ‘ears’ in the known natural world

The bridge spider (Larinioides sclopetarius) uses its web to detect the sounds made by insects flying nearby and prepare itself for a potential meal Life 11 February 2022 By Carissa Wong A female bridge spider (Larinioides sclopetarius) Shutterstock/Dan Olsen Some spiders can pick up sounds in the air using their webs as acoustic antennae, and because … Read more