How Gut Microbe Symbiosis Helps Squirrels Keep Their Muscles During Hibernation

Ground squirrels spend the end of summer gorging on food, preparing for hibernation. They need to store a lot of energy as fat, which becomes their primary fuel source underground in their hibernation burrows all winter long.   While hibernating, ground squirrels enter a state called torpor. Their metabolism drops to as low as just … Read more

Hibernation: Dormant ground squirrels recycle urine to maintain their muscles

Hibernating animals find it hard to get the nitrogen they need to maintain muscles – but ground squirrels have gut microbes that can break down urea to free up the nitrogen it contains Life 27 January 2022 By Alex Wilkins Hibernating thirteen-lined ground squirrel Robert Streiffer Hibernating ground squirrels stay in shape by recycling urea, … Read more

Quantum entanglement: A tardigrade has survived being placed in a strange quantum state

By Alex Wilkins An illustration of a tardigrade 3Dstock/Shutterstock A tardigrade has been quantum entangled with a superconducting qubit – and lived to tell the tale. It is the first time a multicellular organism has been placed in this strange quantum state and raises questions about what it means for living things to be entangled. … Read more