Air pollution: Almost 8000 lives being saved as US moves to vehicles that emit fewer tiny particles known as PM2.5

Almost 8000 fewer lives are being lost to air pollution from vehicle emissions in the US per year, thanks to cleaner engines that produce fewer tiny particles



13 December 2021

Cars in a traffic jam surrounded by steam from their exhaust pipes

Cars in a traffic jam


Nearly 8000 lives are being saved in the US every year thanks to the drop in air pollution from tiny particles in vehicle exhaust fumes, according to an analysis of deaths between 2008 and 2017.

Vehicles of all types have become less polluting over the past few decades, due to more efficient engines and cleaner fuels. The emissions of some pollutants, such as carbon monoxide, have been slashed by as much as 99 per cent in the US since 1970.

But the release of particles less …