Astronomers propose building a neutrino telescope — out of the Pacific Ocean

Paul M. Sutter is an astrophysicist at SUNY Stony Brook and the Flatiron Institute, host of “Ask a Spaceman” and “Space Radio,” and author of “How to Die in Space.” Sutter contributed this article to’s Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights. Neutrinos are one of the most elusive particles in the cosmos, second only to … Read more

U.S. and Chinese Scientists Propose Bold New Missions beyond the Solar System

Right now our solar system is barreling into a region of space that we know next to nothing about. For about 60,000 years, our sun has been traversing the local interstellar cloud (LIC), a region of gas and dust within a mostly empty bubble that was carved out of the Milky Way by supernovae millions … Read more