The Lab-Leak Hypothesis Made It Harder for Scientists to Seek the Truth

Whenever scientific findings threaten people’s sense of control over their lives, conspiracy theories are never far behind. The emergence of novel viruses is no exception. New pathogens have always been accompanied by conspiracy theories about their origin. These claims are often exploited and amplified—and sometimes even created—by political actors. In the 1980s the Soviet KGB … Read more

Octopus behaviour: Gloomy octopus hatchlings seek out light to catch their tiny prey

Two-millimetre-long gloomy octopus hatchlings move towards a source of light, possibly because it makes it easier to hunt prey Life 16 December 2021 By Christa Lesté-Lasserre A newly hatched gloomy octopus Stefan Spreitzenbarth Tiny, newly hatched gloomy octopuses seek out light – possibly to help them find their minuscule prey. Adult gloomy octopuses (Octopus tetricus) … Read more