Rory Mc Donnell interview: The slug hunter with a strange new weapon

By Rory Mc Donnell Jennie Edwards SLUGS and snails may not look frightening, but don’t be fooled. Poking out from beneath their slimy bodies is a tongue-like appendage called a radula, covered with thousands of tiny teeth. As gardeners know to their cost, this is a tool of extreme destructive power, which can shred stems … Read more

Newly Discovered Transparent Cave Snail Has Long Rows of Intimidatingly Spikey Teeth

When you think of snails, sharp jagged teeth are not usually what comes to mind. But you might have to reconsider because these squishy mollusks have terrifying lickity-bits when you look close enough under the microscope.   Snails use their weird-as-heck toothed-tongues called a radula to lick through all sorts of surfaces to feed, including grinding through … Read more