Antibiotic resistance: C. difficile superbug has protective protein coat like chain mail

The outer coat of the antibiotic-resistant bacterium Clostridium difficile has a structure similar to chain mail that stops drugs and immune system cells from killing it Health 25 February 2022 By Carissa Wong The outer proteins of Clostridium difficile form a structure like chain mail Newcastle University A bacterium called Clostridium difficile is known as … Read more

Prehistoric Volcanoes Heated Earth in a Global Chain Reaction

Climate experts have warned for decades of “tipping points” at which modern global warming might cause a cascade of accelerating, irreversible effects. Now geologists are beginning to identify similar junctures in the fossil record. For example, around 56 million years ago—when our small primate ancestors still hopped through the trees—volcanic eruptions may have sparked hothouse … Read more