Big asteroid slammed into Greenland just a few million years after the dinosaurs died out

Hidden under Greenland’s thick ice sheet, scientists found what they thought was the scar of an asteroid impact perhaps just thousands of years old, fresh enough that humans were already on the scene. But after several years of additional research, two separate teams of scientists have determined its age to be far older: 58 million … Read more

Springtime was the season the dinosaurs died, ancient fish fossils suggest | Science

On a spring day 66 million years ago, as flowers bloomed and baby birds hatched in what is now North Dakota, a ball of fire streaked across the sky and wiped out nearly three-quarters of life on Earth. So says a new high-resolution study of fossilized fish bones, which pinpoints the season of the Cretaceous-Paleogene … Read more

Mummified Children Found in Peru May Have Been a Sacrificial Escort to The Underworld

Six mummified children thought to have been sacrificed hundreds of years ago, apparently to accompany a dead nobleman to the afterlife, have been unearthed in a tomb near Lima, archaeologists reported.   The tiny skeletons, wrapped tightly in cloth, were found in the grave of an important man, possibly a political figure, discovered last November … Read more

E. O. Wilson: The extraordinary ant researcher and sociobiologist who warned of biodiversity crisis

By Doug Tallamy, University of Delaware Edward O. Wilson in his office in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard, in 2014. Credit: Suzanne Kreiter/The Boston Globe via Getty Images E. O. Wilson was an extraordinary scholar in every sense of the word. Back in the 1980s, Milton Stetson, the chair of the biology department … Read more