T. Rex May Have Actually Been 3 Species, According to a Close Look at The Bones

A towering colossus and predatory beast, the comically tiny-armed Tyrannosaurus rex is perhaps the most iconic of all prehistoric predators. Its place in the popular imagination is mirrored in academia, with researchers investigating everything from how it walked, to how it mated, to how many there even were.   Despite abundant research into the genus Tyrannosaurus, all adult … Read more

Uranus And Neptune Aren’t The Same Color. A New Study Could Finally Explain Why

Uranus and Neptune are the most twin-like of all the planets in the Solar System. They are almost the same size and mass, have similar compositions and structures, even similar rotation rates.   Which makes one glaring difference quite perplexing. Neptune is a fetching shade of azure, with visible swirling storms. Uranus is more of … Read more

The Earliest Unequivocal Evidence of Our Species May Be Even Older Than We Realized

The course of human evolution never did run smooth. The emergence of hominins on the continent of Africa is full of twists, turns, gaps, and dead ends, which makes it all the more difficult to retrace the rise of our own species.   Today, we still don’t really know when or where the first Homo … Read more

‘Wind’ from Earth’s middle layer blows through a secret passage beneath Panama

A geological secret passage beneath Panama may explain why rocks from Earth’s mantle are found more than 1,000 miles (1,609 kilometers) from where they originated.  This opening, located some 62 miles (100 km) below Earth‘s surface, may allow a flow of mantle materials to travel all the way from beneath the Galápagos Islands to beneath … Read more

Scientists Just Identified a Brand New Muscle Layer in The Human Jaw

It turns out there are still exciting new discoveries to be made in a field as well-studied as human anatomy: researchers have confirmed the existence of a layer of muscle in the human jaw that has until now eluded anatomists.   This new muscle is a deeper, third section of the masseter muscle. It’s the most prominent … Read more

The Brain’s Secrets May Be Hidden in Its Folds And Wrinkles. How Are They Made?

The human brain has been called the most complex object in the known universe. And with good reason: It has around 86 billion neurons and several hundred thousand miles of axon fibers connecting them.   Unsurprisingly, the process of brain folding that results in the brain’s characteristic bumps and grooves is also highly complex. Despite … Read more

We May Finally Know What Makes One of The World’s Largest Organisms So Tough

With massive webs of probing black tentacles extending for miles below the ground, the Armillaria group of fungi includes some of the largest known organisms on our planet.  An 8,500-year-old specimen of Armillaria ostoyae in Oregon covers 2,385 acres (3.7 square miles) with its mass of rhizomorph tentacles and is estimated to weigh roughly 7,500 … Read more