Evidence of giant asteroid strike may be buried under Wyoming | Science

Some 280 million years ago, before the rise of the Rocky Mountains—or even the dinosaurs—a 2.5-kilometer-wide asteroid smashed into the supercontinent of Pangaea, near the eastern border of present-day Wyoming. The impact’s heat and shock wave would have killed anything within 400 kilometers, making it one of the largest asteroid strikes in North American history. … Read more

Exclusive: The Sturm strike back in John Birmingham’s brash sci-fi sequel, ‘The Shattered Skies’

Feeling lonely after devouring “Leviathan Falls,” the final book in “The Expanse” series of space opera novels by Ty Franck and Daniel Abraham (writing as James S.A. Corey) that dropped this past November? Help is on the way! Acolytes of riveting military sci-fi combat should flock to “The Shattered Skies” (Del Rey, 2022), Australian author … Read more