Quantum entanglement: A simple explanation

Quantum entanglement is a bizarre, counterintuitive phenomenon that explains how two subatomic particles can be intimately linked to each other even if separated by billions of light-years of space. Despite their vast separation, a change induced in one will affect the other.  Related: How quantum entanglement works (infographic) In 1964, physicist John Bell posited that … Read more

Physicists Claim They’ve Quantum Entangled a Tardigrade With a Qubit. But Have They?

A team of physicists claims to have entangled a superconducting qubit and a tardigrade, moving the freezing, tiny, and well-controlled world of quantum into the “hot and wet” systems of life.   However, the results described in this preprint paper are not quite so cut and dried, and many quantum researchers are arguing that the … Read more

Quantum entanglement: A tardigrade has survived being placed in a strange quantum state

By Alex Wilkins An illustration of a tardigrade 3Dstock/Shutterstock A tardigrade has been quantum entangled with a superconducting qubit – and lived to tell the tale. It is the first time a multicellular organism has been placed in this strange quantum state and raises questions about what it means for living things to be entangled. … Read more