‘Simple Relativities (Your Imagination)’: Why I made this Albert Einstein homage music video

So, why in the name of the cosmos am I LARP-ing Albert Einstein as a 1950s-stye doo-wop group?!  Well, I wanted to make you smile in these very tense times.  The spark:  It began as a COVID-19 fever hallucination. I had the bug for seven weeks, back in the pre-vaccine days. Lying medicated on the … Read more

Quantum entanglement: A simple explanation

Quantum entanglement is a bizarre, counterintuitive phenomenon that explains how two subatomic particles can be intimately linked to each other even if separated by billions of light-years of space. Despite their vast separation, a change induced in one will affect the other.  Related: How quantum entanglement works (infographic) In 1964, physicist John Bell posited that … Read more

Surprise! Complex Decision Making Found in Predatory Worms With Just 302 Neurons

As scientists continue to discover more about the brain and how it works, it can help to know just how much brain matter is required to perform certain functions – and to be able to make complex decisions, it turns out just 302 neurons may be required.   That’s based on a new study looking … Read more

Artificial intelligence: Simple mathematical trick could slash AI development time in half

Training artificial intelligences to identify faces or digitise text involves thousands or millions of iterations of a two-stage process known as back-propagation, but a new approach could save time, energy and computing power Technology 10 March 2022 By Matthew Sparkes Cutting training time for AI could make face recognition systems more efficient iStockphoto Artificial intelligence … Read more

Just Two Simple Muscle Exercises Can Help Reduce Dizziness When Standing Up

Feeling dizzy or light-headed when standing is a common experience caused by a drop in blood pressure. When this blood pressure dip is very brief and rapid, and not tied to any other health problems, it’s referred to as initial orthostatic hypotension or IOH.   New research suggests some simple muscle exercises before or after standing … Read more

Did a taste for blood help humans grow big brains? Story isn’t so simple, study argues | Science

When it comes to killing and eating other creatures, chimpanzees—our closest relatives—have nothing on us. Animal flesh makes up much more of the average human’s diet than a chimp’s. Many scientists have long suggested our blood lust ramped up about 2 million years ago, based on the number of butchery marks found at ancient archaeological … Read more

These simple green lights could save sharks and turtles from fishing nets | Science

An inky, tentacled squid stuck in a net can be a messy problem for a fisher. And for a loggerhead turtle or a diamond stingray, getting tangled in a net often means death. Now, new research offers hope: It shows that affixing green light-emitting diode (LED) lights to fishing nets significantly reduces the catch of … Read more

Scientists Spot Eerily Sophisticated Patterns in ‘Simple’ Bacteria Colonies

Bacterial colonies can organize themselves into complex ring-like patterns which have an “intriguing similarity” to developing embryos and were thought to be unique to plants and animals, new research suggests.   Bacterial cells band together in clumps to form tightly packed colonies called biofilms that have a growing reputation for acting strangely like multicellular organisms. … Read more

Simple test could predict dangerous blood pressure in pregnant women | Science

Up to 8% of pregnant people develop high blood pressure that can damage their organs or even kill their babies. Often there’s no sign of the condition, known as preeclampsia, until late in pregnancy. Now, by analyzing patterns of gene activity through RNA markers in a pregnant woman’s blood, researchers have come up with a … Read more