Newly Discovered Saber-Tooth Predator Shows How Hypercarnivores Evolved

San Diego looked very different back in the Eocene epoch, from about 56 million to 34 million years ago. The area’s now arid climate was warmer and more humid, its lush subtropical forests teeming with primates and marsupials. Now a recently examined fossil adds another creature to the list: a new species of saber-toothed predator. … Read more

The Parrot in the Mirror review: Why humans evolved to be like birds

From our long lives to our social skills and even language, zoologist Antone Martinho-Truswell argues that we are more like birds than we think Humans 9 March 2022 By Simon Ings EVOLUTION has created a living world of jaw-dropping diversity. It has also generated what seem like astonishing coincidences. The pangolins of Africa and armadillos … Read more

Predators Have Evolved to Not Overexploit Their Resources. Can Humans Do The Same?

People have been trying to understand how predators and prey are able to stay balanced within our planet’s ecosystems for at least 2,400 years. The Greek author Herodotus even raised the question in his historical treatise Histories, written around 430 BC.   And when Charles Darwin published in 1859 his revolutionary theory of evolution in … Read more

A Mysterious Desert Bacterium Has Evolved Its Own, Unique Ability to Photosynthesize

Photosynthesis quite literally changed our world. Plants ‘eating’ sunlight and ‘breathing out’ oxygen transformed Earth’s entire atmosphere into the one we now breathe, and fuel our ecosystems with energy.   Now researchers have caught a cunning species of bacteria with stolen photosynthesizing technology. And their molecular, light-eating device is unlike any we’ve ever seen. “The … Read more

Pucker up! Why humans evolved a taste for sour foods | Science

Bite into a lemon and you’ll likely experience a clashing rush of sensations: crushing sharpness, mouth-watering tanginess, and pleasant brightness. But despite its assertiveness—and its role as one of the five main taste profiles (along with sweet, salty, savory, and bitter)—scientists don’t know much about how our acidic taste evolved.   Enter Rob Dunn. The … Read more

Folk songs: Japanese and English language melodies evolved in the same way

Japanese folk songs evolved in the same way as those sung in English even though there are significant cultural differences in musical tone and scales Humans 3 February 2022 By Jason Arunn Murugesu A woman playing a koto, a traditional Japanese musical instrument Shutterstock/PixHound Japanese folk songs evolved in the same way as English language … Read more

MRSA: Bacteria on hedgehogs evolved antibiotic resistance before use of drugs

A strain of the antibiotic-resistant bacterium MRSA seems to have colonised the skin of hedgehogs more than 200 years ago – and many other similarly evasive bugs might exist in nature Life 5 January 2022 By Jessica Hamzelou A European hedgehog Coatesy/Shutterstock A strain of the antibiotic-resistant bacterium MRSA seems to have evolved in hedgehogs … Read more

Fossils: Prehistoric ichthyosaurs evolved rapidly to be as big as whales

A newly discovered fossil shows that within just 3 million years of their first appearance on Earth, ichthyosaurs had evolved into 17-metre-long giants Life 23 December 2021 By Riley Black An artist’s impression of Cymbospondylus youngorum Stephanie Abramowicz Fossil remains of one of the ocean’s earliest giants have been unearthed in Nevada. Named Cymbospondylus youngorum, … Read more