Antarctica’s Hidden Under-Ice Rivers Could Play a Significant Role in Sea-Level Rise

Underneath Antarctica’s vast ice sheets there’s a network of rivers and lakes. This is possible because of the insulating blanket of ice above, the flow of heat from within the Earth, and the small amount of heat generated as the ice deforms.   Water lubricates the base of the ice sheets, allowing the ice to … Read more

Fascinating Mouse Study Hints We May One Day Have mRNA Vaccine for Skin Cancer

Being sun smart could one day include a vaccination not unlike those currently providing millions around the world with immunity against coronavirus. While most immunizations sensitize our immune system to an aggressive agent like a virus or even cancer cell, emerging mRNA vaccine technology could instead train our bodies into generating additional antioxidant proteins, boosting our ability … Read more

Puzzling Parkinson’s protein plays essential role in immunity | Science

Progress in treating Parkinson’s disease—a progressive neurological illness that causes tremors, muscle rigidity, and dementia—has been painfully slow, in large part because scientists still don’t fully understand the molecular events that kill select brain cells. What they do know is Parkinson’s leaves behind a telltale mark: clumps of the misfolded alpha synuclein (αS) protein in … Read more

Study Finds Alarming Levels of Microplastics in The Feces of People With IBD

Motes of weathered plastic increasingly dust every corner of our planet, permeating our food, our air, and our water. From the moment we’re born – if not long before – we’re exposed to its effects, and we don’t fully know what that’s doing to our health and wellbeing.   A recent investigation by a team of researchers … Read more